The Autumn Leaf Stitch Along is almost here – it will officially start on Thursday, September 20th, and I really hope you’ll join us!
But of course, before you can start stitching you need supplies – especially your threads in all those pretty colors. So you can be ready to start stitching on the first day, here’s a list of everything you’ll need for our autumn leaf hoop:
-6-inch embroidery hoop
-1-1/2 yards of 1-inch cotton twill tape (optional, for wrapping the inner hoop to keep stretched fabric tight) – available at JoAnn Fabrics
-1/4-yard linen or cotton fabric (I used a natural-colored linen…see photo below…although white, off-white, tan or cream-colored fabric would all look fine) – available at JoAnn Fabrics

-DMC embroidery floss in these colors:
#3834 Plum
#915 Berry
#3750 Dark Blue
#806 Medium Blue
#3852 Gold
#3853 Light Orange
#720 Dark Orange
#919 Rust
#815 Maroon
#167 Tan
#433 Brown
#581 Light Green
#3346 Medium Green
-Frixion erasable pen (I used black, but any color is fine) – available at office supply stores
-#24 chenille needle
-7″ square of felt for the back of your hoop
The pattern for the hoop will be available on the first day of the stitch along, which will be Thursday, September 20th.
And just for fun, here’s another little sneak peek…