Grow: A Lolli and Grace Stitch Along - Part One
It's finally time to get the stitch along started! Whether you transferred the design yourself or purchased a kit/fabric panel, I know we are all ready to get stitching.

If you did not purchase a kit or printed fabric panel and need the instructions for transferring the design, click here:
Part Zero: How To Transfer The Design Onto Your Fabric
If you need the basic info for how this all works, click this link:
Grow Stitch Along Basic Information
If you'd like to purchase a complete supply kit for this design, click below:
Complete supply kit for the Grow Stitch Along
To purchase the pre-printed fabric only, click here:
Pre-printed fabric panel for the Grow Stitch Along
To purchase the PDF line drawing only, click here:
PDF line drawing for the Grow Stitch Along
If you need the supply list and/or the schedule for the SAL, click the link below:
Grow Stitch Along Supply List And Schedule
Part One
In Part One we will stitch the word "grow." We need to stitch this part first, because there is one place where the plant stitching will need to be stitched on top of the word. But first, here's a brief explanation of how each of these stitch along posts will work. Please read all of the info below before heading over to the instructions for Part One.
• Each part of the SAL will have a blog post with a link to a Google Drive folder with all of the PDF instructions that have been published so far. Each of those PDFs will have written instructions, photos, color charts, and a link to the corresponding video tutorial. Don't forget to read through those instructions for important information! (The link for Part One is at the end of this post.)
• Whether you're on a Mac or a PC, you should have the ability open and read PDFs without having to install a PDF reader. On a Mac the default program is Preview, and on a PC you can use Edge or Chrome. If you have Adobe Acrobat DC installed, you can of course use that as well.
• I love seeing everyone's progress, so please follow me and tag me (@lolliandgrace) on Instagram! I'll be sharing lots of your progress photos, and it is honestly so cool to see all the neat ways you all make these designs your own, whether you're following the pattern exactly as shown or putting your own creative touches on it.
Click the link below to get the PDF instructions for Part One:
Grow Stitch Along - PDF Instructions for Part One